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Why Should You Fold Mirrors in a Car Wash?

Why Should You Fold Mirrors in a Car Wash?

When it's time to give your car a little 'TLC' at the automatic car wash, you might notice most drivers folding in their mirrors. You're probably wondering, "Why bother?"

Well, the simple act of folding your mirrors does more than just creating a smoother profile. It's a protective measure that can prevent your mirrors from getting damaged during the wash process.

Moreover, it can enhance the efficiency of the wash, ensuring every inch of your car gets cleaned properly. But what if you can't fold your mirrors?

Don't worry, we've got you covered with alternative solutions. So, let's dive right in and learn why you should fold your mirrors at the car wash.

Key Takeaways:
Folding in mirrors at the car wash is not mandatory but is considered a safe practice.
Folding in mirrors yourself ensures no damage is caused by the car wash preppers.
If not folding in mirrors, ensure they are small enough not to obstruct the car wash process.
Reporting any mirror damage to the car wash is important to seek resolution.

Why Are Automatic Car Washes the Best Option?

In terms of convenience and efficiency, you'll find that opting for an automatic car wash is your best bet. 

You won't have to worry about the manual labor involved in washing your car by hand. Plus, many car washes now use sophisticated technology to ensure your vehicle gets a thorough clean without causing any damage. 

The automatic car wash is the best option for those with busy schedules. It's quick, easy, and you don't even have to get out of your car. Also, these car washes often use less water compared to washing at home, which makes them a more eco-friendly choice. 

So next time your car needs a wash, consider going automatic for a clean, time-efficient solution.

Automatic Car Washes - Pros and Cons

When you're considering an automatic car wash, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision. 

One of the pros is convenience. Automatic car washes offer a quick, hassle-free way to keep your vehicle clean. They're usually affordable and can prevent scratches that might occur if you were to wash your car manually. 

However, there are some cons as well. Equipment malfunction or improper use can potentially cause damage to your vehicle, particularly to protruding parts like mirrors. That's why you should fold mirrors in a car wash. 

Folding mirrors can minimize the risk of damage during the wash cycle. So, while automatic car washes offer many benefits, taking precautions to protect your vehicle is essential.

Why Is the Integrity of Your Car Mirrors Important?

While you might not think much about it, maintaining the integrity of your car mirrors is crucial for your safety on the road. Your side mirrors, including the passenger side mirror, provide you with the necessary visibility to navigate traffic and parking situations. 

Any damage to these mirrors, such as cracks or misalignments, can affect their functionality and compromise your safety. Folding your mirrors in before entering a car wash can prevent any potential damage from the high-pressure water jets and rotating brushes. 

This simple step can save you the cost of replacing a broken mirror and ensure that you maintain a clear and safe view of your surroundings while driving.

broken mirrors are the reason why you should fold mirrors in a car wash

Do You Have to Fold in Mirrors in a Car Wash?

Do you always need to fold in your mirrors at a car wash? This isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, as it largely depends on the type of car wash and the design of your vehicle. In most cases, experts recommend always folding them to protect your car from damage. 

Here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:

  • If your side mirrors have the option to be folded in, push them in before entering the wash.
  • If you have loose side mirrors it’s preferable to avoid car washes because they can be potentially ripped off. 

What to Do if My Mirrors Can't Fold?

If your car's mirrors can't fold, there are a couple of options you can consider when planning to use an automatic car wash. One option is to manually tape your side view mirrors against the vehicle. This helps to minimize the chance of damage during the wash. 

Another option is to use a touchless car wash. These facilities use high-pressure water jets and detergents to clean your vehicle, reducing the risk of damage to your passenger mirror or other non-foldable components. 

However, always ensure your chosen car wash service is reputable and has positive reviews. In the end, if you find that your mirrors are damaged after the wash, don't panic. In the next section, we'll discuss what to do if the car wash has damaged your mirrors.

a picture of two white cars with folded mirrors

What to Do if the Car Wash Has Damaged Your Mirrors?

If you find your mirrors damaged after a car wash, knowing how to handle the situation effectively is essential. 

First, take pictures of the damage as soon as you notice it. This will serve as evidence. Then, bring it to the attention of the car wash management immediately. They're usually responsible for any damage caused during the wash. If the damage involves the car's windows or paint job, it might require more extensive repairs. 

Check the interior too, as water can sometimes seep through damaged mirrors. If the management refuses to take responsibility, you may need to contact your insurance or even consider legal action. 

Next, we'll explore tips and tricks to avoid such damage when using an automatic car wash.

Tips and Tricks to Avoid Damage When Using an Automatic Car Wash

In addition to folding in your mirrors, you can take several other precautions to avoid damage when using an automatic car wash. 

One key tip is to opt for hand washing if possible, especially for the more delicate parts of your car. This reduces the risk of mechanical brushes causing scratches or damage to your paintwork. 

If hand washing isn't feasible, try to ensure the brushes at your chosen car wash are soft and well-maintained. Equally important is to remove any loose items from your car exterior before entering the wash. 

Finally, always dry your car thoroughly after washing to prevent water spots or rust. These simple tricks can go a long way in keeping your car in pristine condition.


So, now you know - folding your mirrors in at the car wash isn't just for show. It's about protecting your vehicle's integrity, enhancing the wash's efficiency, and avoiding potential damage. If you can't fold your mirrors, don't stress. 

Opt for manual washes or use protective covers. And if the worst happens, you now know the steps to handle mirror damage. Remember, a little precaution can save you a lot of trouble down the road.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • What’s One Thing to Make Sure of When You Use an Automatic Car Wash?

  • Roll up all vehicle's windows.
    Don't apply the emergency brake.
    If you have children with you lock the windows.
  • Are You Supposed to Fold Your Mirrors in a Car Wash?

  • Yes, folding in your mirrors before entering the car wash is advisable to avoid any potential damage or interference with your car parts.
  • Should You Turn Off Your Car in a Car Wash?

  • The answer depends on the automatic car wash you're taking it through. In most cases, switching the engine off is advisable, so the short answer is - Yes. Also, don't forget to roll up your windows!

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